Isolation Air-Plus
560, Ave. Béchard
Québec (Québec)
G1M 2E9 -
Téléphone: (418) 907-9537
Sans frais: 1 (844) 300-6832
Télécopieur: (418) 683-6051
Manufacturiers de produits d'isolation et d'insonorisation
Accueil > Manufacturiers de produits d'isolation et d'insonoritation > Johns Manville
Johns Manville

A leading manufacturer and marketer of premium-quality building materials, commercial/ industrial roofing, reinforcements, filtration media, and other specialty products. JM's 10,000 employees at 55 locations worldwide create innovative solutions for demanding applications. Founded in 1858, JM has sales in excess of $2 billion and holds leadership positions in all of the key markets that it serves. As a member of the Berkshire Hathaway family of businesses, we're stronger -- and ready for an even brighter future.